In my work, I strive to evoke empathy and a shared understanding of loss—we’ve all experienced loss in some way.
I put my work into the community with the intention of increasing the conversation that surrounds death, grief and loss. In my early to mid-twenties, my work was about processing grief over the death of my mother. Now, my concepts stem from the idea of loss—not only loss of life, but loss of memory, loss of identity, loss of autonomy and how these losses are connected.
My work is driven by concept, material exploration and textile techniques. I'm attracted to the associations we have with found materials, the stories they come with and what layers of meaning I can add. Whether weaving with plastic trash bags or encasing human hair in resin, my work is evocative and experiential.
The heaviness of certain emotions and experiences are difficult to give words to. The process of creating something visual and tangible allows me to sort through the experiences, find meaning in them and offer that meaning to viewers.